Senior Care – Attentive Care, Inc. Just another WordPress site Fri, 14 Oct 2022 18:51:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Senior Care – Attentive Care, Inc. 32 32 Senior Care: When Are Senior Care Providers Needed for Senior Citizens Wed, 22 Dec 2021 10:20:00 +0000 Senior Care: Are you noticing that your elderly loved one struggles to do housework such as vacuuming? Does it seem like your elderly loved one isn’t able to take a bath safely on their own anymore?

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Senior Care: Are you noticing that your elderly loved one struggles to do housework such as vacuuming?

Does it seem like your elderly loved one isn’t able to take a bath safely on their own anymore? Maybe, they even fell in the shower recently. If you find that your senior is struggling in any way, they may need senior care assistance providers to help them. There are some other times when senior citizens often need these types of services. If your elderly loved one falls into these categories, you may want to consider getting them home care help.

Having an Illness

Is your elderly loved one sick in any way? Do they have heart disease, cancer, diabetes, or any other chronic health condition? Maybe your elderly loved one doesn’t have a chronic condition, but they do need help after surgery or with things around the house when they have a short-term illness. If this is the case, your elderly loved one could benefit by getting help from home care assistance providers.

Overwhelming Feelings

Are you getting overwhelmed by all the help that your elderly loved one needs? Do you get short with your elderly loved ones when talking to them because you are fatigued or tired? Yes, your elderly loved one’s health is important and you are trying to make it a priority. However, you need to remember that your health is also important. If you are feeling overwhelmed, it is perfectly fine for you to take a break for as long as you need. Home care assistance providers can help your elderly loved one in the meantime.

Living On Their Own

If your elderly loved one is struggling to take care of certain tasks on their own, they may need senior care services. For instance, if your elderly loved one can’t cook, take a shower, or remember to take medications on their own, they may need help. If there isn’t someone around to help, they may not be able to live by themselves anymore. If this is the case, home care assistance providers can help as much as your elderly loved one needs them to. They can come over a few hours each week, every day, or be there all the time.

Senior Care: Conclusion

There are many circumstances in which senior citizens need home care help. If your elderly loved one is dealing with any of the above situations, they may need to hire home care assistance providers to help out. Even if they don’t need a lot of help right now, having senior care providers come over for a bit now is a great start. They can always come more later, if or when your elderly loved one needs more assistance.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Senior Care in Washington Township, NJ, please contact the caring staff at Attentive Care Inc. at 1-800-493-5660



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Senior Care: Help Your Dad Adjust to Hearing Loss by Hiring Home Care Aides Mon, 13 Dec 2021 13:24:55 +0000 NIH estimates that around half of all adults over the age of 75 suffer from hearing loss. Despite how common it is as you age, people don't always want to admit it.

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Senior Care: NIH estimates that around half of all adults over the age of 75 suffer from hearing loss.

Despite how common it is as you age, people don’t always want to admit it. Someone experiencing hearing loss may withdraw from social situations and can become depressed. If your dad isn’t cooperating or seems to ignore you more than usual, it could be he isn’t hearing what you say. When he’s experiencing hearing loss, you need to make sure he’s supported at home. Start by taking him to a doctor to have his hearing loss professionally diagnosed. Hearing aids may help him restore some of his hearing. It could be as simple as ear wax that needs to be removed. A senior care service provider can help with appointments and home care services to help.

If his hearing loss is permanent, you can help him by hiring senior care aides. Here are the different ways they’ll help.

Assistance at Home

Can your dad hear his smoke/fire and carbon monoxide alarms? He needs to be able to. If he can’t look into systems that have flashing strobe lights to alert him. It would be best to have caregivers with him to tell him an alarm is going off and help him get out of the house.

Caregivers can also help around the home by alerting him to things that don’t sound right. If his heating system makes an unusual noise, he may not hear it, but his caregiver will. His home care aides will hear a dripping faucet or leaking pipe, too.



Your dad may not be safe driving once he’s experiencing hearing loss. If he can’t hear traffic noises or train signals, he shouldn’t drive. Caregivers can drive him to appointments, stores, and other area businesses.


Daily Outings

How safe is your dad walking around the neighborhood? If he cannot hear cars or dogs as he walks down the street, it’s risky having him walk alone. With a caregiver by his side, he can still go outside as much as he’d like for walks in the woods or around the neighborhood.



Hire home care aides to schedule your dad’s appointments. They’ll arrange appointments to suit your dad’s needs, and you can make sure they have transportation figured out, too. They can help him get ready and escort him to the appointment as needed on the appointment day. If he needs them to listen to the doctor and share details with you, that’s also possible.

Home care aides can help your dad adjust to life at home when he’s lost his hearing. His caregivers can answer the phone or door. Outside, they can make sure he’s safe when walking or act as his ears when he’s shopping. Call a senior care agency to make arrangements.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Senior Care in Mount Laurel, NJ, please contact the caring staff at Attentive Care Inc. at 1-800-493-5660



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Senior Care: 5 Things You Can Do to Help Your Senior Lower Their Blood Pressure Thu, 25 Nov 2021 18:08:15 +0000 Senior Care: As we age, our bodies tend to change, which can lead to many different health issues. One such issue that many seniors experience is high blood pressure.

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Senior Care: As we age, our bodies tend to change, which can lead to many different health issues.

One such issue that many seniors experience is high blood pressure. High blood pressure puts an enormous strain on the body and can lead to serious complications if not dealt with promptly. You may be wondering how you or your senior care provider can help your senior loved one lower their blood pressure? We have put together five tips for you below!

Regular Exercise

Finding a safe and effective exercise routine can make all the difference in helping your seniors lower their blood pressure. Exercise releases endorphins which are feel-good chemicals that help your senior stay happy and healthy. Exercise also helps to improve heart health, strengthen bones, reduce stress levels, increase energy levels and manage weight more effectively. Exercising in the morning before eating breakfast or exercising in the evening are both great options that will not cause too much strain on your senior’s heart but still provide them with all of the benefits they need!


Fruits & Vegetables

Eating fruits and vegetables daily is an important part of any diet, but it can be especially beneficial for seniors who have high blood pressure. Fruits and veggies contain antioxidants that protect cells from damage caused by free radicals in the body’s natural aging process. Antioxidants work to purify your senior loved one’s bloodstream reducing their risk of hypertension as well as a number of other serious medical conditions they may be at risk for, including stroke or diabetes type II! A good rule of thumb for seniors is to have at least two servings each day.


Find Ways To Reduce Stress

Stress is one of the biggest causes of high blood pressure among seniors today. How your senior deal with stress is very important. Many seniors find that by getting involved in a new activity or hobby, they are able to reduce their stress levels naturally and effectively. You can also help them out by finding ways you can both relax together, such as going for walks, reading books, watching movies, etc.


Limit Alcohol Consumption

Consuming alcohol regularly is a surefire way to put your senior loved one’s blood pressure at risk. Alcohol consumption can lead to high blood pressure by increasing the heart rate and restricting normal circulation, which in turn decreases oxygen levels throughout the body. If you feel that your senior loved ones’ drinking habits are putting them at an increased health risk, consult their doctor immediately.


Regular Checkups

Getting regular check-ups from qualified professionals is an effective way of ensuring your senior’s blood pressure remains at a healthy level throughout their life! A doctor will be able to assess what lifestyle changes you need to make in order to ensure the long-term health of your loved one, so it’s always best not to wait until there are serious problems before heading down this route.

Senior Care: Conclusion

Staying active, eating fruits & vegetables regularly, finding ways to manage stress levels effectively, limiting alcohol intake, and getting regular check-ups from a medical professional are all great ideas when it comes to helping your senior loved ones lower their blood pressure! Companion care at home providers can help seniors with each one of these tips!

Companion care at home can help your senior family member stay active, eat nutritious meals, find stress relief methods, manage their alcohol intake (if applicable), and if needed, take them to regular check-ups from a medical professional!

Contact us or schedule a visit at one of our offices for more information on how Senior Care at home can benefit your loved one!


If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Senior Care in Medford, NJ, please contact the caring staff at Attentive Care Inc. at 1-800-493-5660


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Senior Care: Why Home Care Is Often Best for an Elder in Your Family Tue, 31 Aug 2021 13:39:43 +0000 Senior Care: Most of us have at least one person in our family we could call an ‘elder.’ While the term can be used somewhat loosely, it’s mostly used when referring to a person in their late 60s, 70s, 80s, or older.

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Senior Care: Most of us have at least one person in our family we could call an ‘elder.’

While the term can be used somewhat loosely (such as a 40-something uncle or grandparent figure), it’s mostly used when referring to a person in their late 60s, 70s, 80s, or older. When that ‘elder’ needs some type of senior care -whether it’s for short-term needs or something a bit longer in duration- home care will tend to be the best option.

This happens to be the case for a range of reasons. Let’s look into a few of the reasons why home care is often best when someone needs what may be referred to as ‘elder care.’



1. Home care often has experience.

This isn’t a blanket statement (meaning every home care provider has experience), but when you hire through an agency, more often than not you will find a care provider who has at least some experience.

When a person is in need and considered ‘elderly,’ the last thing you or anyone else in the family will want are mistakes. You don’t want things being overlooked, missed, or bad choices made, which could put the elder in harm’s way.

Home care aides have often worked with other elderly men and women through the years. They understand what an aging person needs, what is still important to discuss (things that matter when

it comes to quality of life, for example), and how to find the balance between the two, which often takes family members a long, long time to learn.

If you want an elder care option for someone you love that is best, turn to home care.


2. This type of elder care will offer better consistency.

‘Better’ than what? Well, for the most part, it means better than what most family members could provide. While family and the closest of friends are usually most concerned with safety and ensuring their aging loved one is safe, many have other responsibilities as well.

It’s not all about the senior.

Because of that, these family caregivers may not be able to provide a good level of consistency when it comes to being there. The family member might miss a morning because they’re running late for work. Or they may not be able to stop by after work because of a pressing deadline.

That doesn’t tend to seem like a big deal at the time, but as it happens more and more, it puts the senior at risk and erodes confidence and trust in that care provider. Home care will be there when you hire through an agency.

3. Home care can offer flexibility.

That’s not all the time, though, but when you hire through an agency, you should be able to enjoy flexible hours and schedules. Agencies will have a number of caregivers on staff to ‘fill in the gaps’ when necessary.

So, when it comes to senior care needs, turning to home care is one of the best to consider, and these are just a few of the great reasons why.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Senior Care in Medford, NJ, please contact the caring staff at Attentive Care Inc. at 1-800-493-5660

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