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Tips To Make Medical Appointments Easier For Seniors

Companion Care at Home Voorhees NJ - Tips To Make Medical Appointments Easier For Seniors

When seniors have medical appointments that can be very stressful for them, especially if they don’t drive and need to arrange transportation to and from the appointment. Companion care at home providers can make medical visits much less stressful for seniors. When seniors have companion care at home they will have help making appointments, getting to and from the appointment, and they will have someone to go with them and make sure they get to the right place and get there on time.

Some other things that can make medical appointments easier for seniors are:

Schedule Appointments Early In The Morning

For most seniors, appointments are easier to get to in the morning. Seniors that rely on public transportation or car shares may have an easier time finding transportation early in the day. And seniors typically are more alert and better able to handle the stresses of a medical appointment when that appointment is earlier rather than later. It’s not always possible to choose when the appointment is but when there is a choice it’s better to choose an early appointment rather than a late one.

Make A List Of Questions And Concerns

Seniors should go to each appointment with a pre-written list of questions or concerns that they want the doctor to address. Some doctors even allow seniors to email them a list of questions and concerns ahead of time so that seniors can have their questions answered at the appointment. It’s worth asking if the doctor will allow that. If not, your senior parent should go to the appointment with a list of questions and concerns so that they don’t forget anything. It’s also a good idea to record the appointment or have a companion write down the answers to the questions so that you and your senior loved one can go over the answers later.

Ask For A Wheelchair If Necessary

Even seniors that have pretty good mobility may sometimes need a wheelchair at a medical appointment. If seniors have a long walk across a parking lot, or if the office is inside a huge medical building and there is a long walk to get there from the entrance seniors may get tired, especially if they are already feeling sick. You or your parent’s companion can call the medical office ahead of time and request a wheelchair that your senior parent can use during the visit if they are not able to walk long distances.

Keep Paperwork In A Binder

A smart way to keep track of all medical records, appointments, and other documents for each doctor that your senior parent sees is to create separate binders for each doctor. Use plastic protective sleeves to store documents safely. Then seniors will be able to easily access all of the documents associated with that doctor. And the binder can be brought to medical appointments in case copies of prescriptions or other documents are needed for insurance purposes.

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring Companion Care at Home in Voorhees NJ, please contact the caring staff at Attentive Care Inc. at 1-800-493-5660

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