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Healthy Hobbies for Older Adults

Hobbies are an excellent way for older adults to pass the day. They can also give the older adult a sense of purpose. In addition to giving your aging relative something to do, having a hobby can also provide health benefits, like offering a way to get in some physical activity or relieving stress. If your older family member could use a hobby, below are some ideas for hobbies that offer either mental of physical stimulation, and in some cases, both.

Caregiver in Woodbury NJ: Hobbies for Older Adults

Doubles Tennis
If your older family member is healthy enough, taking up a hobby like doubles tennis with friends can be an excellent way for them to enjoy some physical activity while also offering a chance to socialize. In the warmer months, it can also be a way to get some fresh air and a healthy bit of sunshine for some vitamin D. However, there’s no need to give up the hobby in the winter as there may be a facility where the seniors can reserve some court time.

Playing Cards
Your aging relative may be able to find a card club in town to join. Playing cards is a great form of mental stimulation that can help seniors to keep their brains sharp. Some senior centers offer times when older adults can get together to play. If there’s not a card club in their community, the older adult might consider starting one with friends. Some card clubs take turns hosting the group, giving everyone a chance to entertain friends in their home.

Many seniors find birdwatching to be an enjoyable form of entertainment. The act of watching birds at a feeder or in the wild can be relaxing and help to reduce stress. When older adults take the hobby a step further and try to identify and keep track of the birds they see, it offers mental stimulation as well. Plus, walking outside to see birds offer exercise.

Making Crafts
Crafting, whether it be making cards, knitting, or woodworking, is an excellent way for older adults to spend their time. Seeing something take shape that they’ve created with their own hands can give them a sense of accomplishment. When they offer the items as gifts to others, it can bring them joy to see the smiles on the faces of those who receive them. Seniors can also make items to donate to organizations, such as knitted hats for newborns or lap quilts for older adults in long-term care facilities.

Home care providers can help your aging relative to pursue their hobbies and interests. A home care provider can drive them to stores to purchase supplies or to places where they can do their hobby, such as a gym to play tennis or the senior center for cards. Home care providers can also be someone for older adults to pursue their hobby with since a home care provider can assist them to do crafts, use a book to identify a bird or play a hand of cards.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring a Caregiver in Woodbury, NJ, please contact the caring staff at Attentive Care Inc. 1-800-493-5660

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