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Start Spring Cleaning Tasks Now to Ease a Last-Minute Rush

The point of spring cleaning is to deep clean much of the home and get windows open to let fresh air inside. With the list of things that need to be completed, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and give up. Change your habits and start spring cleaning early so that you get everything done and avoid a last-minute rush.

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Spring Cleaning Chores You Can Do Now

There are some chores you won’t be able to do now, but it’s a great time for others. Shampoo carpets and upholstery now. With your heating system turned on, the warmth of the room and a few fans moving air around will help the material dry faster.

Wash the inside of the windows and patio doors. You’ll need a warmer day to do the outsides, but the inside of your windows are easily cleaned with some white vinegar or window cleaning spray. When the weather warms up, half the task is already completed.

Cabinet organization is a good chore for rainy or snowy days. Pick a room and empty the closets and cabinets. Go through the items and decide what stays and what goes. Once you’ve decided, put everything you’re keeping back where it goes. A room freshening spray will help freshen the smell of closets that store items like shoes or outdoor apparel.

Deep clean the grout on floors, in showers/bathtubs, and on backsplashes in the kitchen and bathroom. Some disinfectant spray and a steam cleaner can help kill mildew and bacteria that are clinging to the surface.


Cleaning Chores to Save for Warmer Weather

Launder curtains and bedspreads once the weather warms up. You could do them now, but you have to dry them in the dryer and that can damage some fabrics. Wait until it’s warm enough to dry things on a clothesline outside.

Throw open the windows and strip mattresses of protective covers. Put the covers in the wash before you clean the mattress. To clean the mattress, cover it with a cup or two of baking soda and let it sit for a few hours. Vacuum the mattress to remove the baking soda, dead skin flakes, and dust that’s gathered for the past year.

Pet beds are another task to save for the spring. Sprinkle baking soda over them, use a spot cleaner on any stains, and let them air out in the sun. When the bed has been outside in the sun for a few hours, you can bring it in and vacuum off the baking soda.

Hire senior care aides to help your parents keep their home clean throughout the year. Caregivers can help with light housekeeping tasks like vacuuming, dusting, sweeping, and mopping. They can also wipe down and disinfect surfaces. Call a senior care agency to make arrangements.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Home Care Services in Mullica Hill, NJ, please contact the caring staff at Attentive Care Inc. at 1-800-493-5660

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