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Tips to Keep Your Loved One Safe This Summer

In-Home Care Mount Laurel NJ - Tips to Keep Your Loved One Safe This Summer

Summer is a wonderful time of the year when things slow down, people’s schedules free up, and the sun shines brightly during those long summer days. Almost everyone gets excited to enjoy the warmer weather and added activities. But summer can cause additional health risks to seniors whose bodies don’t always adjust to the more extreme temps and sun exposure. In-home care providers can assist your senior to follow safe summer guidelines.

Here are six ways to help your loved one stay safe this summer while enjoying all of the fun that summer can bring.

Choose early morning or early evening. The midday is often the hardest part of the day to stand, especially when outside. If there are events that span the day, have your loved one attend them right away in the morning or after the sun sets. Having a 24-hour home care provider who can provide rides during non-business hours can be a great asset in helping your loved one get around during non-peak hours.

Drink plenty of water and then drink some more. Elderly individuals who are not exceptionally active don’t often feel very thirsty but they can still get dehydrated due to the heat and humidity. Your loved one should drink extra water all summer long to keep her hydrated. Consider having her 24-hour home care providers set up reminders during the day to drink water if it doesn’t come naturally.

Stay covered in the sun. While many people think of shorts, tank tops, and sandals for the sun, your loved one might be safer if she stays more covered. Your loved one’s skin is more likely to be damaged by sunburn so in addition to having her wear sunscreen, she should also consider clothes that cover her up but don’t cause her to get too warm. Lightweight and light-colored clothes that are loose fitting can help her keep her cool and not worry about heat exhaustion.

Check those possible side effects. Some medications have unpleasant or dangerous side effects when taken and then the person has a lot of sun exposure. They can make her more sensitive to the sun’s rays. If this is a concern, talk with your loved one’s pharmacist or doctor about possible solutions.

Protect the eyes. Wearing sunglasses is a must on bright summer days spent outside, especially if the day is spent near water where the sun’s rays not only come from above but reflect off of the water as well. If your loved one needed prescription glasses to see, consider getting her prescriptive sunglasses or transition glasses that adjust to the amount of light. Another option is wrap-around glasses that will allow her to keep her prescription glasses on.

Enjoy “cool” meals and snacks. Summer is a great time to enjoy a salad for dinner or a tall iced tea. Enjoying lighter, cooler food will help her body not overheat and enjoy her food more. Ask her 24-hour home care providers to adjust the daily menu for lighter fare this summer.

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring In-Home Care Services in Mount Laurel NJ, please contact the caring staff at Attentive Care Inc. at 1-800-493-5660

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